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21st Anniversary Dinner 2006
Pictures taken at the Dinner
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Rozsa Halls, Judith Egan-Shuttler and Nairn Balfour
John Marshall in conversation with Jeff Bacon
Steve Haswell and John Marshall
Andrew Taylor, Steve Hill, Caroline Seeley and Phil Potts
Mike Foulkes, Steve Lancaster, Barbara and Peter Wobrauschek.
At the right of the table are Kathryn Linge and Jason Day
Chris Harrington, Owen Butler and Simon Branch
On left of table, Judith Egan-Shuttler and Rozsa Halls.
On the right, Barbara Balfour, Ian Shuttler, James Murphy and Phil Goodall
Linda Owen, Helen Crews and Barry Sharp
Phil Potts (Chairman) speaking, Owen Butler listening
Les Ebdon in conversation with Simon Branch
Rozsa Halls, Judith Egan-Shuttler, Nairn Balfour, Ian Shuttler and James Murphy
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